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  • 导师类型/类别: 校内  博士生导师
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1. Zhishan Li, Xiaoyang Chen, Weihua Ma, Qin Zhong. Effect of TS-1 crystal planes on the catalytic activity of Au/TS-1 for direct propylene epoxidation with H2 and O2. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b07205.(一区)

2. Yanan Wang, Weihua Ma, Dongyu Wang, Qin Zhong. Study on the reaction mechanism of the propylene oxide rearrangement via in-situ DRIFTS. Chemical Engineering Journal, 307 (2017): 1047–1054(一区)

3. Zhishan Li, Jihai Zhang, Dongyu Wang, Weihua Ma, Qin Zhong. Confirmation of Gold Active Sites on Titanium-Silicalite-1-Supported Nano-Gold Catalysts for Gas-Phase Epoxidation of Propylene. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121, 25215-25222(二区)

4. Qihan Zhu, Mengnan Liang, Wenjing Yan, Weihua Ma. Effective hierarchization of TS-1 and its catalytic performance in propene epoxidation[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019, 278: 307~313. (一区, IF=3.649)

5.Zhishan Li, Lin Gao, Weihua Ma, Qin Zhong. Higher gold atom efficiency over Au-Pd/TS-1 alloy catalysts for the direct propylene epoxidation with H2 and O2 [J] Applied Surface Science, 2019, 497: 143749. (二区, IF=5.155) 

6.Zhishan Li, Weihua Ma, Qin Zhong. Effect of core-shell support on Au/S-1/TS-1 for direct prop-ylene epoxidation and design of catalyst with higher activity [J] Industrial & Engineering Chemist-ry Research, 2019, 58: 4010-4016.  (二区, IF=3.375)

7. Tengfei Yuan, Qihan Zhu, Lin Gao, et al. The nitriding of titanium silicate-1 and its effect on gas-phase epoxidation of propylene [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55: 3803-3811.(二区)

8. Yulian Zhang, Haowen Fan, Xu Ding, Qinghai Yan, Liping Wang, Weihua Ma. Simulation of anodizing current-time curves and morphology evolution of TiO2 nanotubes anodized in electrolytes with different NH4F concentrations. Electrochimica Acta, 176 (2015) 1083-1091(二区)

9. Rong Jin, Haowen Fan, Yuting Liu, Weihua Ma. Formation mechanism of lotus-root-shaped nanostructure during two-step anodization. Electrochimica Acta, 2016,188 : 421-427(一区)

10. Zhishan Li, Mingjie Chen, Weihua Ma. Polypropylene/hydroxyl-multiwall carbon nanotubes composites: crystallization behavior, mechanical properties and foaming performance. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51: 4566-4579(二区)

11. Tao Wang, Weihua Ma, Junnan Shangguan, Wei Jiang, Qin Zhong. Controllable synthesis of hollow mesoporous silica spheres and application as support of nano-gold. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 215 (2014): 67-73.

12. Jie Ding, Junnan Shangguan; Weihua Ma, Qin Zhong. Foaming behavior of microcellular foam polypropylene/modified nano calcium carbonate composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 128(6): 3639-3651.

13. Jie Ding, Weihua Ma, Fujiao Song, Qin Zhong., Foaming of Homogeneous Polypropylene and Ethylene-Polypropylene Block Copolymer Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2013,52(6): 592-598.

14. Jie Ding, Weihua Ma, Fujiao Song, Qin Zhong. Effect of nano-calcium carbonate on microcellular foaming of polypropylene. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48(6): 2504-2511

15. Jie Ding, Weihua Ma, Fujiao Song, Qin Zhong. Orthogonal Design Study on Factors Affecting Foaming Behaviors of Polypropylene and Polypropylene/Nano-Calcium Carbonate Nanocomposites. Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2013, 52(1): 7-15.

16. Jie Ding, Weihua Ma, Fujiao Song, Qin Zhong. Foaming of polypropylene with supercritical carbon dioxide: An experimental and theoretical study on a new process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(4): 2877-2885.

17. Ma W H, Lu L D, Yang X J, Wang X. Catalytic Polymerization of Maleic Anhydride. J of Applied Polymer Science, 2003, 88(13):2868-2874.

18.马卫华,刘祥萱,徐永锋,陆路德,杨绪杰,汪信. 纳米晶二氧化钛非均相催化聚合马来酰亚胺. 高分子材料科学与工程,1999155):69-71

19.马卫华,杨绪杰,陆路德,汪信. 马来酸酐催化均聚反应研究. 南京理工大学学报. 2000244):381-384

20.马卫华,韩巧凤,陆路德,杨绪杰,汪信. 环氧丙烷异构化制烯丙醇催化剂的研究. 精细化工, 2002197):415-417

21.马卫华,钟秦,蒋香华. 高抗冲高模量改性聚丙烯的制备.工程塑料应用,200533(5):25-28

22.马卫华,韩巧凤,陆路德,杨绪杰,汪信. 超临界CO2萃取β-胡萝卜素的工艺研究. 江苏化工, 2005, 12(6): 32-34

23. 马卫华,钟秦.超临界CO2萃取茶叶中咖啡因的实验研究.南京理工大学学报,2007,31(6):771~774.(EI)

10. 钟秦,陈迁乔,王娟,曲虹霞,马卫华. 化工原理. 国防工业出版社,2019年第四版,2007年第二版,2001年第一版.(“十一五”规划教材) 11. 钟秦,陈迁乔,王娟,曲虹霞,马卫华. 化工原理习题解. 国防工业出版社,2008年出版. (“十一五”规划教材)



