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  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: kaiwu@njust.edu.cn
  • 邮编: 210094
  • 工作单位: 南京理工大学化工学院
  • 通讯地址: 江苏省南京市玄武区孝陵卫200号南京理工大学化工学院


2014.09-2019.06   四川大学  高分子科学与工程学院材料学专业(硕博连读)  导师:陈枫教授,傅强教授

2010.09-2014.06   四川大学  高分子科学与工程学院(本科)




国际期刊“Journal of Materials Chemistry A”、“Journal of Materials Chemistry C”、“ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces”、“ACS Applied Nano Materials”、“Advanced Functional Materials”、“ACS Nano”、“Chemical Engineering Journal”审稿人。








  • 12. Chuxin Lei#, Yongzheng Zhang, Dingyao Liu, Kai Wu*, Qiang Fu, Metal-Levelly Robust, Folding-Endurance and Highly Temperature-Stable MXene-Based Film with Engineered Aramid Nanofiber for Extreme-Conditiion Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Applicatiions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, DOI:10.1021/acsami.0c07387, Just Accepted. (影响因子:8.456, 一区)

  • 11. Kai Wu* #, Dingyao Liu#, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Is Filler Orientation Always Good for Thermal Management Performance: A Visualized Study from Experimental Results to Simulative Analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 124929. (影响因子:8.355, 一区)


  • 10.Kai Wu*, Jiemin Wang, Dingyao Liu, Chuxin Lei, Dan Liu, Weiwei Lei*, Qiang Fu*, Highly Thermoconductive, Thermostable and Super Flexible Film by Engineering 1D Rigid Rod-Like Aramid Nanofiber/2D Boron Nitride Nanosheets. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(8), 1906939. (影响因子:25.809, 一区)


  • 9. Kai Wu, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Green Production of Regenerated Cellulose/Boron Nitride Nanosheets Textile for Static and Dynamic Personal Cooling. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 40685. (影响因子:8.456, 一区)


       Ph.D Period

  • 8. Linyu Wu#, Kai Wu#(共同第一作者), Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Surface Modifications of Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Poly(vinylidene Fluoride) Based Film Capacitor: Artful Virtue of Edge-Hydroxylation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(13):7664-7674. (影响因子: 10.733,一区)


  • 7.Kai Wu#, Ping Liao#, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Preparation of a Thermally Conductive Biodegradable Cellulose Nanofiber/ Hydroxylated Boron Nitride Nanosheets Film: Critical Role of Edge-Hydroxylation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018,6(25): 11863-11873. (影响因子:10.733,一区)


  • 6.  Kai Wu, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Achieving a Collapsible, Strong, and Highly Thermally Conductive Film Based on Oriented Functionalized Boron Nitride Nanosheets and Cellulose Nanofiber. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(35): 30035-30045. (影响因子:8.456,一区)


  • 5. Kai Wu#, Yuanwei Li#, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Constructing Conductive Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Network Inside Hexagonal Boron Nitride Network in Polymer Compositesfor Significantly Improved Dielectric Property and Thermal Conductivity. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 151: 193-201. (影响因子: 6.309, 一区)


  • 4.  Kai Wu, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Design and Preparation of a Unique Segregated Double Network with Excellent Thermal Conductive Property. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(8): 7637-7647. (影响因子: 8.456,一区)


  • 3. Kai Wu, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Largely Enhanced Electrical Properties of Polymer Composites via the Combined Effect of Volume Exclusion and Synergy. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 51900-51907. (影响因子:3.108, 三区)


  • 2. Kai Wu, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Surface Modification of Boron Nitride by Reduced Graphene Oxide for Preparation of Dielectric Material with Enhanced Dielectric Constant and Well-Suppressed Dielectric Loss. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 134: 191-200. (影响因子:6.309, 一区)


  • 1. Kai Wu, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, et. al. Largely Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Conductivity via Constructing Double Percolated Filler Network in Polypropylene/Expanded Graphite–Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes Ternary Composites.Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 130: 28-35. (影响因子: 6.309, 一区)



  • 1. (专利)傅强、吴凯、陈枫,具有双网络结构的聚合物复合材料及其制备方法(ZL 2015 1 0728470),已授权。

  • 2. (专利)傅强、吴凯、陈枫、张祥、柴颂刚,具有隔离双网络结构的导热聚合物复合材料及其制备方法(201710270567.4),已授权。

  • 3. (专利)傅强、吴凯、喻璐萍、陈枫,一种六方层状氮化硼的边缘羟基化改性方法(201810447643.9),已授权。

  • 4. (专利)陈枫、吴玲玉、吴凯、傅强,一种提高聚合物击穿强度和储能密度的方法(201711118609.9),已授权。

  • 5. (专利)陈枫、吴凯、喻露萍、吴玲玉、傅强,一种高导热粘胶纤维复合材料及其制备方法(201910274984.5)。

  • 6. (专利)吴凯、刘丁侥、张永正,高填充的再生纤维素基功能复合材料及其制备方法 (201910997002.5)



1. 硕博期间协助导师指导了“JugglingFire高分子导热材料”项目作品,并在“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛中荣获四川省金奖并入围国赛。

2. 多次指导本科生的创新实验项目,包括“国家级”的“研究二维填料的取向与复合材料散热关系”及一些“省级”项目。

3. 协助指导两名大四本科生,一名研一学生和一名博一学生开展导热和介电材料方面的工作,取得了突出的进展,相继在Composites Science and Technology、Journal of Materials Chemistry A发表了4篇一作或共同一作的论文

4. 指导的本科生多位被保送至浙江大学、上海交通大学、吉林大学,或去美国西北大学、日本东京大学和美国密苏里大学等深造。


