教育经历2008.09-2012.06 南京理工大学化工学院,化学工程与工艺专业,获学士学位; 2012.09-2017.06 南京理工大学化工学院,材料学专业,获博士学位。 工作经历2021.07— 南京理工大学化工学与化工学院,材料科学与工程,副研究员(团队带头人:姜炜) 2017.90—2021.06 南京理工大学化工学院,材料科学与工程,讲师(团队带头人:姜炜) 2018.12— 南京理工大学化工学院,特种能源材料教育部重点实验室,秘书 2019.07—2021.07 南京理工大学化工学院,兵器科学与技术,博士后(合作导师:沈瑞琪) 指导学科材料科学与工程 社会、学会及学术兼职《火炸药学报》青年编委,《兵器装备工程学报》审稿专家。 Defence Technology,Journal of energetic materials,Energetic Materials Frontiers,Applied Surface Science,Ceramics International,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,Energy & Fuels,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Catalysis Science & Technology,Composites Part B: engineering,Environmental Technology,Environmental Pollution,Polymer Testing,《火炸药学报》、《固体火箭技术》、《含能材料》等期刊审稿人。 出版专著和教材《聚合物纳米复合材料的3D和4D打印》译著,国防工业出版社(排名4) 科研创新申请专利30余项,已授权6项。代表性授权专利2项: [1] 姜炜, 郝嘎子, 刘杰, 等. 纳米2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铜的制备方法[P]. 中国: CN104610042B, 2016-07-06. [2] 姜炜, 郝嘎子, 肖磊, 等. 高燃速、低感度***推进剂的制备方法[P]. 中国: ZL201718006967.5, 2021-07-02.
教学活动发表论文[1] 王苏炜, 肖磊, 胡玉冰, 张光普, 高红旭, 赵凤起, 郝嘎子*, 姜炜*. 纳米单质含能材料制备及其应用现状[J]. 火炸药学报, 2021, 44(6): 705-734. doi:10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.202112013 [2] Luo Jialiang, Hao Gazi*, Xiao Lei, Hu Yubing, Jiang Wei*. Boosting electromagnetic wave absorption properties via the sulfidation strategy of Fe/Fe3C/N-doped carbon nanorods hybrids[J]. Ceramics International. 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.12.358. [3] Luo Jialiang, Guo Hu, Zhou Jun, Guo Fan, Liu Guigao, Hao Gazi*, Jiang Wei*. Rational construction of heterogeneous interfaces for bimetallic MOFs-derived/rGO composites towards optimizing the electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 429: 132238. [4] Wang Suwei, Song Xiuduo, Wu Zongkai, Xiao Lei, Zhang Guangpu, HuYubing, Hao Gazi*, JiangWei*, Zhao Fengqi. Simulation of the plasticizing behavior of composite modified double-base (CMDB) propellant in grooved calendar based on adaptive grid technology[J]. Defence Technology, 2021, 17(6): 1954-1966. [5] Zhang Guangpu, Wo Rong, Sun Zhe, Xiao Lei, Liu Guigao, Hao Gazi*, Guo Hu*, Jiang Wei. Amido-functionalized magnetic metal−organic frameworks adsorbent for the removal of bisphenol A and tetracycline[J]. Frontiers in chemistry, 2021, 9: 707559. [6] Zhang Song, Zhan Lewu, Teng Yiyi, Yang Xuebin, Xiao Lei, Hao Gazi*, Hou Jing*, Li Bindong*. Layer-by-layer Nano-TATB coating for HMX surface: A scalable method to achieve the high-energy and low-sensitivity explosive[J]. Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, 2021, 82(6): 152-160. [7] Wang Yanping, Hao Gazi, Zhang Shaoqing, Hui Zhenzhen, Yan Haoran, Ke Xiang. Design and synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles decorated ultra-light nanoscale reduced graphene oxide for broadband electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Journal of materials science-materials in electronics, 2021, 32(15): 20710-20724. [8] Hao Gazi, Li Hao, Mao Chenhui, Hu Yubing, Xiao Lei*, Zhang Guangpu, Liu Jie, Jiang Wei*, Zhao Fengqi, Gao Hongxu. Preparation of nano-Cu-Fe composite metal oxides via a mechanical grinding method and its catalytic performance for the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[J]. Combustion Science and Technology. 2021, 193(6): 987-1004. [9] Zhang Dongdong, Li Qiang, Li, Ruiqin, Li Hao, Gao Hongxu, Zhao Fengqi, Xiao Lei*, Zhang Guangpu*, Hao Gazi, Jiang Wei. Significantly enhanced thermal decomposition of mechanically activated ammonium perchlorate coupling with nano copper chromite[J]. ACS Omega 2021, 6(24): 32667-32676. [10] 程禹, 宋秀铎, 古勇军, 张腾月, 王苏炜, 张冰, 肖磊, 胡玉冰*, 郝嘎子, 姜炜. 水力输送下改性双基推进剂药粒的快速安全烘干[J]. 火炸药学报, 2021, 44(2): 233-239. [11] Hao Gazi, Gu Yongjun, Zhang Guangpu, HuYubing, Xiao Lei*, Jiang Wei*, Zhao Fengqi, Gao Hongxu. Catalytic effect of mechanically ground nano-CuO on the thermal decomposition and combustion behaviour of AP/HTPB propellant[J]. Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, 2020, 81(6): 157-163. [12] Luo Jialiang, Wang Suwei, Peng Shisi, Zhang Tengyue, Hao Gazi*, Xiao Lei, Hu Yubing, JiangWei*. High-performance electromagnetic wave absorbers based on Fe-based MOFs-derived Fe/C composites[J]. Synthetic Metals, 2021, 272, 116663 [13] Zhang Guangpu, Gou Bingwang, Yang Yanpeng, Liu Meng, Li Xiaojiang, Xiao Lei*, Hao Gazi*, Zhao Fengqi, Jiang Wei. CuO/PbO nanocomposite: preparation and catalysis for ammonium perchlorate thermal decomposition[J]. ACS Omega 2020, 5, 32667-32676. [14] Hu Yubing*, Yuan Shuo, Li Xiaojiang, Liu Meng, Sun Fengxi, Yang Yanpeng, Hao Gazi*, Jiang Wei. Preparation and characterization of nano-CL-20/TNT cocrystal explosives by mechanical ball-milling method[J]. ACS Omega 2020, 5, 17761-17766. [15] Wang Ning, Hu Yubing, Ke Xiang, Xiao Lei, Zhou Xiang, Peng Shisi, Hao Gazi*, Jiang Wei*. Enhanced-absorption template method to prepare double-shell NiO hollow nanospheres with controllable particle size for the application in nanothermite[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 379, 122330. [16] Luo Jialiang, Hu Yubing, Xiao Lei, Zhang Guangpu, Guo Hu, Hao Gazi*, Jiang Wei*. Synthesis of 3D flower-like Fe3S4 microspheres and quasi-sphere Fe3S4-RGO hybrid-architectures with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31:8, 085708. [17] 袁朔, 苟兵旺, 郭双峰, 肖磊, 胡玉冰, 陈腾, 郝嘎子*, 姜炜.一种新型CL-20/TKX-50共晶炸药的制备、表征和性能研究[J]. 火炸药学报,2020, 43(2): 167-172+179. [18] Hao Gazi, Zhou Xiang, Liu Xiaolian, Gou Bingwang, Hu Yubing, XiaoLei*, Liu Jie, Jiang Wei*, Zhao Fengqi, Gao Hongxu. Catalytic activity of nano-sized CuO on AP-CMDB propellant[J]. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2019, 37(4): 484-495. [19] Hao Gazi*, Xiao Lei, Hu Yubing, Shao Fang, Ke Xiang, Liu Jie, Li Fengsheng, Jiang Wei*, Zhao Fengqi, Gao Hongxu. Facile preparation of Cr2O3 nanoparticles and their use as an active catalyst on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[J]. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2019, 37(3): 251-269. [20] Hao Gazi*, Xiao Lei, Zhang Zhe, Hu Yubing, Liu Jie, Lei Hongbing, Zhao Fengqi, Gao Hongxu. Jiang Wei*. Synthesis of Cu-Cr-Fe ternary metal oxide nanocomposites with enhanced catalytic activity on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[J]. Science and Technology of Energetic Materials, 2019, 80(3-4): 86-92. [21] 郝嘎子*, 李丽, 苟兵旺, 肖磊, 胡玉冰, 刘杰, 姜炜, 赵凤起, 高红旭. 纳米Cu-Cr复合金属氧化物的机械研磨制备及对AP的催化性能. [J]. 火炸药学报, 2019, 42(6): 557-565. [22] 张哲, 雷红兵, 郝嘎子*, 李强, 赵刘明, 黎博, 李东楠, 姜炜. TATB对AP的包覆降感[J]. 火炸药学报, 2019, 42(3): 284-288. [23] 黎博, 刘巧娥, 高向东, 肖磊, 郝嘎子*, 柯香, 张哲, 李东楠, 姜炜. 机械球磨法制备纳米HATO及其性能测试[J]. 火炸药学报, 2019, 42(1): 97-102. [24] 宁可, 张哲, 肖磊, 郭双峰, 苟兵旺, 杨超煜, 胡玉冰, 郝嘎子*, 姜炜. 微纳米CL-20颗粒级配对低共熔DNAN/TNT基熔铸炸药性能的影响[J]. 含能材料, 含能材料, 2019, 27(11): 915-922. [25] 郭双峰, 董军*, 郝嘎子, 刘巧娥, 高向东.机械粉碎法批量制备超细季戊四醇四硝基酯及其性能研究[J]. 火炸药学报, 2020, 43(4): 399-405. [26] Hao Gazi, Liu Jie, Liu Qiaoe, Lei Xiao, Xiang Ke, Han Gao, Ping Du*, Wei Jiang*, Fengqi Zhao, Hongxu Gao. Facile preparation of AP/Cu(OH)2 core-shell nanocomposites and its thermal decomposition behavior[J]. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2017, 42(8): 947–952. [27] Hao Gazi, Liu Jie, Gao Han, Lei Xiao, Xiang Ke, Wei Jiang*, Fengqi Zhao, Hongxu Gao. Preparation of nano-sized copper β-resorcylate (β-Cu) and its excellent catalytic activity for the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[J]. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2015, 40(6): 848-853. [28] Xiao Lei, Zhang Yan,Wang Xiaohong*, Hao Gazi, Liu Jie, Ke Xiang, Chen Teng, Jiang Wei*. Preparation of a superfine RDX/Al composite as an energetic material by mechanical ball-milling method and the study of its thermal properties[J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 38047-38055. [29] Chen Teng, Gou Bingwang, Hao Gazi, Gao Han, Xiao Lei, Ke Xiang, Guo Shuangfeng*, Wei Jiang*. Preparation, characterization of RDX/GAP nanocomposites, and study on the thermal decomposition behavior[J]. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2019, 37(1): 80-89. [30] 肖磊, 王庆华, 李万辉, 刘巧娥, 郝嘎子, 高向东, 柯香, 刘杰, 姜炜, 乔羽, 谭诚. 基于三维打印技术的纳米奥克托今与梯恩梯熔铸炸药制备及性能研究[J]. 兵工学报, 2018, 39(7): 1291-1298. [31] Hao Gazi, Liu Jie, Liu Huanhuan, Xiao Lei, Qiao Yu, Gao Han, Jiang Wei*, Zhao Fengqi. Cu–Cr–Pb nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 123(1): 263-272. [32] Hao Gazi, Liu Jie, Xiao Lei, Gao Han, Qiao Yu, Jiang Wei*, Zhao Fengqi, Gao Hongxu. Effect of drying methods on catalytic performance of nano-sized copper β-resorcylate[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 124(3): 1367-1374. [33] 郝嘎子,刘杰, 肖磊, 高寒, 姜炜*, 李凤生, 赵凤起, 高红旭. 机械粉碎法制备纳米CuCr2O4及其对高氯酸铵热分解性能的影响[J]. 兵工学报, 2015, 36(9): 1654-1659. [34] 郝嘎子, 刘杰, 高寒, 肖磊, 姜炜*, 李凤生, 赵凤起, 高红旭. 纳米CuO的批量制备及其对高氯酸铵热分解性能的影响研究[J]. 推进技术, 2016, 37(1): 188-192. [35] 郝嘎子, 刘杰, 侯晓婷, 高寒, 肖磊, 柯香, 乔羽, 姜炜*. 纳米β-Cu的制备及其对超细AP的催化性能[J]. 含能材料, 2015, 23(10): 947-951. [36] 郝嘎子, 刘杰, 高寒, 肖磊, 柯香, 乔羽, 姜炜*, 赵凤起. 纳米Fe2O3的批量制备及其对高氯酸铵催化的粒径选择特性[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2016, 39(1): 73-77, 82. [37] Hao Gazi, Liu Jie, Gao Han, Xiao Lei, Qiao Yu, Jiang Wei*, Li Fengsheng, Zeng Jiangbao. Preparation and characterization of copper-based nanoparticles as catalyst for ammonium perchlorate (AP)[C]//Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 286-290. [38] 郝嘎子, 刘杰, 高寒, 肖磊, 乔羽, 姜炜*, 赵凤起, 高红旭. Preparation of nano-sized CuO and its catalytic effect on the thermal decomposition of AP[J]. 火炸药学报, 2015, 38(4): 18-21, 26. [39] 郝嘎子, 刘杰, 刘环环, 宋健, 杨青, 高寒, 姜炜*, 李凤生. 纳米CuCr2O4的制备及其对AP热分解性能的影响[J]. 火炸药学报, 2015, 38(1): 26-29. [40] Ke Xiang, Hao Gazi, Rong Yuanbo, Zhou Xiang, Liu Jie, Xiao Lei, Jiang Wei. A facile approach to the hydrothermal synthesis of graphene[C]//Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on. IEEE, 2016: 604-607. [41] 刘环环, 姜炜*, 郝嘎子. CuCr2O4/石墨烯复合粒子的制备及其对AP的催化作用[J]. 推进技术, 2015, 36(8): 1257-1261. [42] 肖磊, 刘杰, 郝嘎子, 柯香, 高寒, 戎园波, 刘巧娥, 姜炜*. 微纳米RDX颗粒级配对压装PBX性能影响[J]. 含能材料, 2016, 24(12): 1193-1197. [43] Ke Xiang, Zhou Xiang*, Hao Gazi, Xiao Lei, Liu Jie, Jiang Wei*. Rapid fabrication of superhydrophobic Al/Fe2O3 nanothermite film with excellent energy-release characteristics and long-term storage stability[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 407: 137-144. [44] Ke Xiang, Zhou Xiang, Hao Gazi, Xiao Lei, Gao Han, Chen Teng, Jiang Wei*. Template-assisted synthesis of 3D ordered macroporous structured CuO as catalyst for ammonium perchlorate[J]. Functional Materials Letters, 2017, 10(3): 1750030. [45] Yu Liuhua, Hao Gazi, Gu Junjun, Zhou Shuai, Zhang Ning, Jiang Wei*. Fe3O4/PS magnetic nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and their application as sorbents of oil from waste water[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015, 394: 14-21. [46] Yu Liuhua, Hao Gazi, Liang Qianqian, Zhou Shuai, Zhang Ning, Jiang Wei*. Facile preparation and characterization of modified magnetic silica nanocomposite particles for oil absorption[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 357: 2297-2305. [47] Zhou Shuai, Hao Gazi, Zhou Xiang, Jiang Wei*, Wang Tianhe*, Zhang Ning, Yu Liuhua. One-pot synthesis of robust superhydrophobic, functionalized graphene/polyurethane sponge for effective continuous oil–water separation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 155-162. [48] Yu Liuhua, Hao Gazi, Liang Qianqian, Jiang Wei*. Fabrication of magnetic porous silica submicroparticles for oil removal from water[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(38): 9440-9449. [49] Yu Liuhua, Hao Gazi, Zhou Shuai, Jiang Wei*. Durable and modified foam for cleanup of oil contamination and separation of oil-water mixtures[J]. Rsc Advances, 2016, 6(29): 24773-24779. [50] Yu Liuhua, Hao Gazi, Xiao Lei, Yin Qiushi, Xia Mengting, Jiang Wei*. Robust magnetic polystyrene foam for high efficiency and removal oil from water surface[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 173: 121-128. 指导学生情况指导硕士研究生3名(2019级柯海波,2021级杨鸿宇、余嘉豪) 协助指导博士研究生1名(2020级陈扶摇) 协助指导硕士研究生7名(2016级张哲、邵方;2018级李豪、程禹、严明贵;2020级卢强强、刘东琦); 指导本科毕业设计6项(2014级张冲、李绍忠;2015级马卓利、张圣楠、刘习、李成伟); 指导校级科研训练3项(2017级毛晨辉;2018级莫路遥、汤家豪、艾克热木江·安尼娃、木沙江·买买提依明); 指导省级科研训练1项(2018级吴玉章、黄子琪)。 担任Ukulele俱乐部社团指导老师,指导社团入选南京理工大学2020-2021学年学生社团“星团计划”之活力“星社团”。指导的本科生“寰宇纳米”团队获第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛南京理工大学选拔赛校赛二等奖(2020年),指导的本科生“高校易制毒、易制爆化学品智慧管理系统”作品获第七届全国青年科普创新实验暨作品大赛(江苏赛区)智能控制(大学组)三等奖(2021年)。 其他信息获奖、荣誉称号